The Time Travelling Medicine Man

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The Time Travelling Medicine Man
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Free Book to download: "Buboes, Boils and Belly Aches"

At the Old House Hereford

Thanks to innovative surgeons such as Ambroise Paré (1510-1590) technological advances had been made in surgery

This display features one of the largest displays of museum quality reproduction Surgical Instruments from the Tudor and Elizabethan periods, including replicas of the surgical instruments and objects found upon the Mary Rose

Instruments for bloodletting (including Leeches); cauterising; drawing of teeth; trepanning; cauterising; amputation; arrow and musket ball removal among many others.

-Diagnostic Instruments
-Facsimilie Surgical Books
-Surgical charts(Zodiac Man, Wound Man and Phlebotomy Man)
- Medicines

The presentation will include how illnesses were diagnosed and injuries treated including:
- Amputation
- Trepanning
- Treatment of Battlefield Injuries
- Removing Teeth
And much more...

Below: At Haden Hill House, Sandwell

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