The Time Travelling Medicine Man

Who Am I?
The Time Travelling Medicine Man
Disease and Illness in the Black Country: A History.
Bows, Blades & Battles
School and Educational Workshops
The Time Travelling Medicine Man: Society Presentations
For Television and Film Work
Articles by Kevin Goodman
Books by Kevin Goodman
Client Testimonials
Contact me
Free Book to download: "Buboes, Boils and Belly Aches"

KS2 Medicine Through The Ages


A look at how medicine and the treatment of illness and disease  has changed from prehistory to the modern period.

The treatment given by  doctors and surgeons across time.

The diseases people experienced and what caused them.

Examines how people looked after their health.

How surgery has changed.

The presentation is accompanied  by an appropriate display of  medical and surgical equipment.

look at how medicine and the treatment