Owain Leech : Surgeon

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The Time Travelling Medicine Man
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In Medieval and Tudor times, people were warned that if they wished to enjoy a long and healthy life they should avoid doctors and surgeons !!!
Discover why the  Surgeon was so feared!


Nasty and revolting Medieval and Tudor diseases

How illness was diagnosed and cured (Not for the squeamish!!!!)

What anaesthetics were used in operations

How toothache was cured and teeth pulled
How amputations were carried out
How and why  some patients had holes drilled in their skulls

How arrows were removed

How a crossbow was used to treat injuries
How an early computer was used in treatment 

The herbs and plants used in cures
The display contains one of the largest collections of  reproduction Medieval and Tudor surgical equipment
(Presentation especially tailored for mature audiences also available)



Medical Historian, Medieval Surgeon Reenactor, Barber Surgeon, Barber Surgeon Reenactor, Roman Surgeon Reenactor, Roman Surgeon, Tudor Surgeon Tudor Surgeon Reenactor, English Civil War Surgeon, English Civil War Surgeon, Victorian Surgeon Reenactor, Georgian Surgeon Reenactor, Quack Dictor Reenactor