The Time Travelling Mediicne Man

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The Black Death, Medieval Health, Horrid Hygiene, Revolting Illnesses and Worse Cures


Ideal For Turning Points In History

A presentation upon  medieval illness and disease with emphasis upon the causes, spread and effects of the Black Death.


Also includes:


Beliefs about the causes of illness


How illness was diagnosed in Medieval times using:


- Humoural theory (What the 4 humours were and how they influenced health and illness)

- Analysis of urine and blood.

-        Astrology and Numerology.


How Illnesses were treated:

- Purging

 -        Blood Letting

(with surgical instruments and live leeches)

-        Cauterizing

-  The use of medicinal herbs, spices and food

-        The role of astrology and numerology in healing

(complete with an early computer)

-        The role of the Church in healing 



Medieval Surgery with:


-        A huge display of museum-quality reproduction medieval surgical equipment

-        Demonstrations of how operations were carried out

The operations include:

-        Demonstrations of battle wound treatment (arrow wounds;  sword  and dagger wounds)

- Trepanning

-Treatment of the tooth worm and tooth pulling

- Amputation

(limbs, toes and fingers)

-        The anaesthetics used


-        Comparisons with medical diagnosis and treatment today.


The presentation is interactive with students actively encouraged to participate


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Medical Historian, Medieval Surgeon Reenactor, Barber Surgeon, Barber Surgeon Reenactor, Roman Surgeon Reenactor, Roman Surgeon, Tudor Surgeon Tudor Surgeon Reenactor, English Civil War Surgeon, English Civil War Surgeon, Victorian Surgeon Reenactor, Georgian Surgeon Reenactor, Quack Dictor Reenactor