Ideal For Turning Points In History
A presentation upon
medieval illness and disease with emphasis upon the causes, spread and effects of the Black Death.
Also includes:
Beliefs about the causes of illness
illness was diagnosed in Medieval times using:
- Humoural theory (What the 4 humours were and how they influenced health and illness)
- Analysis of urine and blood.
- Astrology and Numerology.
Illnesses were treated:
- Blood Letting
(with surgical instruments and live leeches)
- Cauterizing
- The use of medicinal herbs, spices and food
- The role of astrology and numerology in healing
(complete with an early computer)
- The role of the Church in healing
Surgery with:
- A huge display of museum-quality
reproduction medieval surgical equipment
- Demonstrations of how operations
were carried out
The operations include:
- Demonstrations of battle wound
treatment (arrow wounds; sword and dagger wounds)
- Trepanning
-Treatment of the tooth worm and tooth pulling
- Amputation
(limbs, toes and fingers)
- The anaesthetics used
- Comparisons with medical diagnosis and treatment today.
The presentation is interactive
with students actively encouraged to participate