Physician's Rooms

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The Time Travelling Medicine Man
Disease and Illness in the Black Country: A History.
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The Medieval Physician
Display of:
 - Reproduction Medieval Medical Charts
- Facsimilie Medical Books
- A Volvelle (an early computer)
- Urine Flasks
- Instruments for cauterising and bloodletting
- Live leeches
- Display of medicinal herbs  and minerals
- Relics to help cure illnesses
THe medieval physician will discuss the diagnoses and treatment of illness during the medieval period; the Four Humours;  the dreaded Black Death and  Leprosy and the role of religion in  health and sickness.
The Tudor Physician
Display of:
 - Reproduction Tudor  Medical Charts
- Facsimilie Tudor Medical Books
- A Volvelle (an early computer)
- Urine Flasks
- Instruments for cauterising and bloodletting
- Live leeches
- Display of Tudor medicinal herbs, minerals and medicines
THe medieval physician will discuss the diagnoses and treatment of illness during the Tudor period; the Four Humours;  the dreaded  "English Sweate" and the ailments that afflicted the Tudors.