The Time Travelling Medicine Man

Who Am I?
The Time Travelling Medicine Man
Disease and Illness in the Black Country: A History.
Bows, Blades & Battles
School and Educational Workshops
The Time Travelling Medicine Man: Society Presentations
For Television and Film Work
Articles by Kevin Goodman
Books by Kevin Goodman
Client Testimonials
Contact me
Free Book to download: "Buboes, Boils and Belly Aches"

Roman Medicine and Health Care

Roman Surgical Display at The Commandery,Worcester

How illnesses were diagnosed in
the Ancient Roman Empire

The diseases  Ancient Romans suffered (and the cures)

The role surgery played  in the life of the Roman army and gladiators

Treatment, surgery and dentistry

( complete with a full display of museum-quality Roman Surgical instruments and
demonstrations of how they were used)       
The presentation is interactive with
students actively encouraged to participate

Letter from Shrubland St. School Leamington to the Roman Surgeon